Welcome to our new home!

Thank you for joining us on our new site. We are happy to announce that we have revamped how our Civic Engagement Toolkit functions. This change will allow us to grow and add new lessons for years to come! 

Unfortunately it was too big a work load for us to bring over our existing users. As a previous user of our toolkit, you can participate by making one of the following two choices:


Start from scratch and try out our fantastic new interface. You’ll revisit our “Getting to Know You” and “Civic Engagement 101” courses, where you’ll find your advocate style, pick an issue, learn about five ways to get civically engaged and create a new action plan.


Use the registration form below to bypass our first lesson. You’ll self-select your advocacy type, your issue of choice, and your lawmakers.

*BE AWARE* Because we are skipping a few steps, you’ll receive a few emails in one action. Your first course certificate will be emailed to you blank, but it will work if you’d like to download it from your certificate page. (Don’t worry, that will make sense after you’ve finished this part!) It’s a small price to pay for skipping forward though, right?